Wedding: Michael & Carrie, October 17th [ Hopewell Cape, NB ]

Yet another goodie of a wedding!  I have been SO blessed to have some of the most amazing couples this year, and Mike and Carrie are no exception.  Not only are they a ridiculously fine lookin’ couple, but they are sooooo nice, they knew how to work it just right for my camera, AND they have one of the cutest baby girls ever!  I loved everything about this wedding:  the weather, the historic location, the simple Martha Stewart-like stylings at the reception, Carrie’s classy dress & veil, Mike’s stylin’ suit, and I could just go on and on.  These two pulled together an amazing wedding day and I was so pleased to be there!  Here’s a few of my favourite images from the day….

We met before the ceremony and had some alone time to do their pictures first  (I LOVE it when my couples do this!!!)

See… I told you they are ridiculously fine lookin’!  I think Mike looks a little James Bond-ish in the black & white one….
Look at all that love….
Their ceremony was at the historic Hopewell Cape court house
Then, after a few quick family photos we walked down the hill to their casual afternoon reception…
I’ll leave you with a couple images of one of the prettiest elements of the day, their daughter Ellie =)

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