August 6th Wedding | Graham & Kristyn

My husband Dave and I figured that this relationship would definitely lead to marriage, and when we first heard that they were engaged, I expressed to him how much I really hoped that I would get to photograph their wedding.  Needless to say, when the call came in, I was thrilled!  I guess that I just really like them, and I like their story.  It was shared in detail at their reception, so I’m going to share a bit of it here…

It all started when Kristyn turned 16 and wanted to start dating.  Her parents expressed some rules, the main one being that they wanted him to be a Christian guy, who was really living it, not just talking about it.  Kristyn felt completely deflated, worried that there weren’t any good-looking, truck-driving & farming Christian guys left.  So, that night she and her parents prayed that she would meet a good, young Christian man… and that ideally, he’d be a good-lookin’ farmer with a pick up truck too =) Two weeks later, she met Graham and the rest has all led up to their wedding last weekend.  See??  Isn’t that a great story??  Their wedding day was just as great, and here’s a little look…

Her daddy’s first look…
The ceremony was held on Kristyn’s family’s farm…
The always entertaining shoe game.  Love the contrast of the footwear…. =)
Some special music by family…
This gorgeous cake was made by my sister-in-law, Lena. You can find her page on Facebook by searching for Fondant Memories by Lena.
Graham’s uncle surprised them with this awesome getaway truck…
We actually took a few more minutes after their reception to do a few more pictures…
And then they were off to start a life of wedded bliss =) amazon ashwagandha best automatic pool cleaner